Shipping Information
We offer several shipping/delivery options:
- UPS– Standard Delivery
- Delivery to Country Day School
- Delivery to Junior School
- Delivery to Middle School
- Delivery to Senior School
Packages delivered to the Country Day, Junior or Middle Schools can be sent home with your student or picked up at the school's front desk.
Packages delivered to the Senior School can be picked up - by a student, parent, or other community member - at the Spirit Store in the basement of Rowe Hall.
Campus Delivery: $3.00 flat rate
UPS Delivery (based on order total):
$0.01 - $25.00 $8.95
$25.01 - $50.00 $11.95
$50.01 - $75.00 $13.95
$75.01 - $100.00 $15.95
$101.01 - $150.00 $17.95
$150.01 - $200.00 $19.95
$200.01 - $300.00 $21.95
$300.01 and over $23.95